Boris Christoff

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Christoff, Boris


Lebendige Vergangenheit

Boris Christoff wurde am 18. Mai 1914 in Plovdiv bei Sofia geboren. Sein Bühnendebut gab er 1946 als Colline in "La Boheme" am Teatro Reggio Calabria. Der Durchbruch gelang ihm 1947 an der Oper von Rom als Pimen in "Boris Godunov". Er gastierte kurz darauf als Gumemanz in "Parsifal" am Teatro La Fenice in Venedig und debütierte im September desselben Jahres an der Mailänder Scala wiederum als Pimen (neben Tancredi Pasero in der Titelrolle). 1949 übernahm er die Hauptrolle, den Boris, der eine seiner Glanzpartien werden sollte. Am 19. November 1949 debütierte er an der Covent Garden Opera in London. Einen der größten Erfolge seiner Karriere feierte er 1958 als König Philipp unter der musikalischen Leitung von Carlo Maria Giulini an der Covent Garden Opera. 1960 kehrte Christoff als König Philipp an die Scala zurück. 1964 erkrankte er an einem Gehirntumor und mußte sich einer schweren Operation unterziehen. Mit nahezu übermenschlicher Energie nahm er 1965 als Boris Godunov an der Londoner Covent Garden Oper seine Karriere wieder auf, die auf dem Konzertpodium noch bis in die achtziger Jahre dauerte. Unter den etwa 120 Rollen seines Repertoires waren seine berühmtesten wohl der Boris Godunov (den er an die 600 Mal gesungen haben soll), der Mephisto im "Faust" von Gounod und der König Philipp in Verdis "Don Carlo". Auch war er ein hoch geschätzter Konzert- und Liedersänger. Sein Abschiedskonzert gab er am 22. Juni 1986 in Rom an der Bulgarischen Akademie. In der italienischen Hauptstadt starb der große, wenn auch nicht gänzlich unumstrittene, Sänger am 23. Juni 1993. Boris Christoff was born on May 18th 1914 in Plovdiv near Sofia. His first professional concert appearance took place in December 1945 at the Accademia Santa Cecilia, followed in 1946 by his first operatic appearance at the Teatro Reggio Calabria as Colline in "La Boheme". His breakthrough was a performance in the role of Pimen in "Boris Godunov" at the Rome Opera House in 1947. As Gurnemanz in "Parsifal" he made a guest appearance at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice and in September of the same year he appeared for the first time at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, again in the role of Pimen (with Tancredi Pasero as Boris). He first attempted the title role, which was to become one of his most celebrated portrayals, at the Scala in 1949. On November 19th 1949 he made his debut at Covent Garden as Boris Godunov. One of the greatest successes of Christoff's career was his Philip at Covent Garden in 1958 under Carlo Maria Giulini. In 1960 he returned to the Scala in the same role and a newcomer, his compatriot Nicolai Ghiaurov, sang the role of the Grand Inquisitor. In 1964 it was discovered he was suffering from a brain tumour, which resulted in a difficult operation. With incredible will power Christoff worked on his comeback, which took place a year later as Boris at Covent Garden. His stage career - and later his career on the concert platform - lasted well into the Eighties. Among the 120 roles in his repertoire, the most famous ones were Boris Godunov (which he reportedly sang close on 600 times), Mephistopheles in "Faust" and King Philip in "Don Carlo". Christoff was also an acclaimed lied-singer. On June 22nd 1986 he gave his farewell concert in Rome at the Bulgarian Academy and on June 23rd 1993 the great, but not uncontroversial singer died in the Italian capital.


Setanzahl 1
Tonträger CD
Artikelnummer PR89554
Veröffentlichungsdatum 07.02.2002
Tracks Still one more page (Sung in russian) [Boris Godunov], In the town of Kazan (Sung in russian) [Boris Godunov], I have attained the highest power (Sung in russian) [Boris Godunov], Farewell, my son (Sung in russian) [Boris Godunov], It is right here (Sung in russian) [Khovanshchina], I hate a dreary life (Sung in russian) [Prince Igor], How are you Prince? (Sung in russian) [Prince Igor], The roaring waves besiege our shores (Sung in russian) [Sadko], Ella giammai m`amò (Don Carlo), Ave Signor! (Mefistofele), Son lo spirito che nega (Mefistofele), Song of the Volga Boatmen (Sung in russian), The Song of the Flea (Sung in russian)
Still one more page (Sung in russian) [Boris Godunov]
In the town of Kazan (Sung in russian) [Boris Godunov]
I have attained the highest power (Sung in russian) [Boris Godunov]
Farewell, my son (Sung in russian) [Boris Godunov]
It is right here (Sung in russian) [Khovanshchina]
I hate a dreary life (Sung in russian) [Prince Igor]
How are you Prince? (Sung in russian) [Prince Igor]
The roaring waves besiege our shores (Sung in russian) [Sadko]
Ella giammai m`amò (Don Carlo)
Ave Signor! (Mefistofele)
Son lo spirito che nega (Mefistofele)
Song of the Volga Boatmen (Sung in russian)
The Song of the Flea (Sung in russian)
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